Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My new addiction!

I must confess. I have an addiction. It is to
Fiesta Ware dishes! I have always wanted
to start a collection and finally bought my
first piece on a recent trip. I see lots more
of these wonderful dishes in my future! Do
you like Fiesta Ware too? What color do you
like best?


  1. I love Fiesta! I have the butter dish and some plates and the pepper canisters!
    Where do you get yours? I usually find the best selection at Belk.

  2. I love it, too but haven't bought any yet. They have a RED that is the perfect color for my condo! Very tempting!

  3. GREAT find! I love my fiestaware :) I collect old and new pieces in white, cream (which is actually a light yellow) and turquoise.
    Oh, and to answer your question about how I found you.... :) well I'm a queen clicker so I'm always hopping from one blog to another but I see we both like daisy cottage so maybe through that? Not sure but I'm glad we found eachother ;)

  4. Patty I love fiesta ware! I haven't collected any pieces (I am dish poor) but I love it. Sounds like you all had a great trip. I am looking forward to the picnic on Saturday and I am still keeping my fingers crossed to get to come to a sewing class with you. Just let me know when.
    Have a blessed day.

  5. Patty,
    Could You Call Me Sometime During The Day Tomorrow? I Have A Couple Of Things I need You To Do For Me, If You Can!
    Love To You

  6. Paula,
    You will be hearing from me!
